For eg See EKKO which is Purchase Order header data and PO Item data is stored in EKPO Regards, Priyanka. Reply Former Member 2007 Dec 07 6:58 AM 0 Kudos 604 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Header Means the Header details which are common to all the items such as ...
This event is triggered with first WRITE statement or whenever new page is triggered. Advantage of using this event is that, whatever you write under this event, is applicable to all the pages. If you don’t have any write statement before TOP-OF-PAGE or in START-OF-SELECTION, this event...
Currently, a BOXED component can only beStatic BOX. When you defined a type as a BOXED, SAP doesn’t allocate any memory. It would rather assign an initial memory for one structure and have an “internal” memory management to point it to that memory. This is referred as Initial Value S...
What is a Bill of Material BOM in the SAP Production Planning PP module? Answer: In a layman's language, a Bill of Material is an complete list of components that make up a finished manufactured product. The Bill of material consists of the item number of each component, quantity required...
Vi snakker ofte om automatiserte prosesser som om de var unike for en smart factory men automatisering og robotikk har vært i bruk i flere tiår i produksjonsoperasjoner. Mange tradisjonelle fabrikker bruker automatiserte maskiner som strekkodeskannere, kameraer og digitalisert produksjon...
2LIS_02_ITM will take form EKKO,EKPO,EBAN tables and SYDATM means it is system date field. Thanks, KV You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in. Comment Replies (0) former_member199945 Active Contributor...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Hardcoding means giving/assigning static value to variable. Eg; WA_EKKO-LIFNR = '0000000121'. This is Called hardcoding During execution it will take the value of WA_EKKO-LIFNR as 0000000121. Reading the Hardcoded Value means to read the value during...
For eg See EKKO which is Purchase Order header data and PO Item data is stored in EKPO. So you would have to go through the detailed data of the table MARA to analyse which is Header or Item Data. Kindly Reward points if you found the reply helpful. Cheers, CHAITANYA. Reply Former...
Ekkor a szoftver úgy van programozva, hogy az adatok alapján tegyen valamit – például kapcsolja be a ventilátort, vagy küldjön figyelmeztetést. Cselekvés az adatokon. Az IoT-hálózaton belüli összes eszközről származó összesített adatok elemzésére kerül sor....
Hi SAP-ABAP Experts . I have created a internal table like this i am not understanding the role of Initial Size key word . What is meaning of Initial Size 0 ? If do not give this then it (Internal tabe)also works same way ? TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, ebel...