Information displayed include engine indications (N1, N2, EGT, Fuel Flow, Vibration etc.) together with other information such Outside Air Temperature (OAT), aircraft configuration (flap position etc.). ECAM and EICAS continually monitor the various aircraft systems and when a failure is detected ...
The 172 record in non-fatal accidents is better than the record for the private aviation fleet but this has to be taken with a lot of grains of salt. An airplane has to be substantially damaged, or someone has to be hurt more than just a little, for an event to the classified as an...
But its primary use is gauging an engine's operating parameters, just as do the standalone, single-probe CHT and EGT instrumentation popular before the electronic revolution filtered down to general aviation. Keeping your cool: it's likely your airplane's engine is air-cooled, which is a simp...
That reasoning is somewhat suspect even if you accept all the points. But where it really falls down is that it’s based on a false assumption – that “normal” contrails quickly fade away. In reality,normal contrails can persist for hours and spread out to cover the sky. Whether they ...
The Red Knob II: where to put the mixture: whether we run our engines on the rich or lean side of peak EGT, what we really want to do is avoid high internal cylinder pressures.(AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS)Pilots are famous for arguing the finer points of various procedures they employ when flying....
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