isenoughtosupportdriverlesscars.Butexperiencefromaviation(航空)showsthatasnewautomatedsystemsareintroduced,thereisoftenan increaseintherateofdisasters. Therefore,comparisonsbetweenhumansand automatedvehicleshavetobeperformedcarefully.Tofairlyevaluatedriverlesscarsonhow well theyfulfilltheirpromiseofimprovedsafety,it?s impo...
Because human judgment is highly susceptible to overconfidence bias, it is one of the most common types of bias. It is also a very serious one, as it reinforces other decision-making biases, such as hindsight bias, optimism bias, and action bias. Excessive faith in ourselves and our abiliti...
Self-focusing is a non-linear optical process induced by the change in refractive index of materials exposed to intense electromagnetic radiation. What is the meaning of self focusing? n. 1.the direction of conscious attention on oneself and one's thoughts, needs, desires, and emotions. ...
The authors of the study identified 7 categories of psychological change as he shed his mind of the duality: Internal versus external, time, location, self, agency (control), ownership, and center (first-person-egocentric-bodily perspective). All consistent with nondual awareness. A pair of res...
“All the libraries in the world couldn’t deliver the definitive explanations contained in Jeremy Griffith’s book, ‘The Book Of Real Answers to Everything!’”
However, there is a question to what extent egocentric thinking, too, is irrational, because it unjustifiably ignores the extent to which the things we take to be special about ourselves also apply to others. For example, some authors have argued that people overestimate the importance of their...
Getting it right starts with coming into resonance with The Almighty. Everything else is egocentric bullshit. There is no You, not in that way... not apart from the one who brought you into being... in the first place... to realize this. Everyone is so afraid that they are going to...
What issoexonerating, rehabilitating and healing—in fact, totallyTRANSFORMING—about this explanation of the human condition is that we can finally appreciate that there was avery goodreason for our consciousness-induced angry, alienated and egocentric behaviour—in fact, we can now see why we have...
At its roots, the Finger-Pointing bypass is sourced in egocentric separation and fearful avoidance of our own shadows. *** I’m sure there are many other forms of spiritual bypassing out there. But, at the very least, the above ten forms are the most common bypasses that we can easily ...
Sociologically, artist are stereotyped as egocentric, self-absorbed, flighty and undependable. They create in unpredictable flashes that cannot be scheduled. They are not "team players." Designers, by contrast, are considered disciplined professionals able to operate within schedules and wit...