The BRI is also a Chinese solution to global development issues, which aims to advance modernization in participating countries in tandem, make economic globalization more dynamic, inclusive and sustainable, and ensure that more of the fruits will be shared more equitably by people across the world....
Economic Developmentis the process by which emerging economies become advanced economies. In other words, the process by which countries with low living standards become nations with high living standards. Economic development also refers to the process by which the overall health, well-being, and ac...
What is development planning in economics?Economics: Economics is a social science that examines economies. Economies are the collection of the creation, movement, and use of goods and services and can be as small as a single town or as a large as the entire world.Answer and Explanation: ...
Economics is a branch of the sciences that seeks to understand the way a population functions by studying the way its economy functions. Every group of people develops a survival plan based on shared labor and resources. How they do that, and how well they succeed at it, is the central fo...
In economics, growth is commonly modeled as a function ofphysical capital, human capital, labor force, and technology. Increasing the quantity or quality of the working-age population, the tools that they have to work with, and the recipes that they have available to combine labor, capital, ...
As domestic and international economic environments continue to evolve, the transition to a moderately loose policy is a timely and responsive measure to current economic challenges, and also a strategic approach to ensure stable growth and long-term development, particularly during crucial periods of ...
What is managerial economics? What is an economic crisis? What is the crowding out effect? What is convergence theory in economics? What is an example of correlation analysis? What is economic collapse? What is the relation between a contraction and a recession?
References (5) H.J. Barnett et al. Scarcity and Growth: The Economics of Natural Resource Availability (1963) H.E. Daly Steady-State Economics (1977) There are more references available in the full text version of this article.Cited by (282)...
An economics major examines resource allocation, incentives and wealth in fields like business management, law and public affairs.
Sustainable (Economic) Development. What is it? Is it Desirable? Can it be Achieved and if so, How? (Summary of Chapter 3 in Economics and Environmental Change: The Challenges We Face) Sustainable (Economic) Development. What is it? Is it Desirable? Can it be Achieved and if so, How?