The easiest way to know which Apple Watch you have is to look at its back. The back has all the important details engraved on it, such as the watch name (like Series 6, Series 9, etc.), size, material, and whether it’s GPS or cellular. ...
Generally, a higher HRV is associated with the PNS and lower HRV with the SNS, but since “high” and “low” are relative, the best way to monitor your HRV is to use a health wearable like Oura for a few weeks or months. This will allow you to compare your HRV score to your ave...
Speaking of the screen, a simple way to get a rough idea of which generation of Watch you have would be to look at the face while you have a photo open. If there is a noticeable border around the edge of the photo, and the photo has edges, you probably have a Series 3 Watch or ...
The best way to measure heart rate is to sit down for a few minutes and relax, then use two fingers (not your thumb, as its own pulse can confuse your measurement) to gently compress the artery and count the beats over 15 seconds. Multiplying this by four will give your heart rate in...
The easiest way to get started using these command line applications is by means of the PERL script which is bundled along with theBLAST+ applications. To utilize this script, simply prefix it to the invocation of the C toolkit BLAST command line application and append the -...
For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to ...
Of course, public executives are well aware of this, but they do not always have the toolkit to implement practical strategic analysis. But, practicality is not enough. Public executives and public strategic analysts must also take public value, and social efficiency specifically, seriously. Unless...