problems understanding or retainingvocabulary, or problems using the correct word order. A child may be developing normally in other areas, but behind with their language skills. Language difficulties may go alongside conditions such asdyspraxia, or caused byglue ear: a condition where the ear...
A2: This. Until research is informed by valid theoretical models, the risk is that it will be built on a bed of sand, directionless. (see Nick Chown). This lack also informs the disconnect b/n researchers and the#ActuallyAutisticand b/n researchers and autism itself.#AutINSAR — Autvntg...
But for many neurodivergent people, SPD is a lifelong issue. While most people associate SPD with autism and ADHD, these aren't the only conditions it's associated with. It can also come with dyspraxia,[11] PTSD,[12] and more. Struggling to communicate with others Some neurodivergent people...