To the modern producer/engineer, DSP meansplugins. Plugins are extra bits of software that can be called up by your audiosequencer. They can then be used to alter or manipulate the audio resting in the sequencer’s timeline. This is facilitated by another bit of software – an API. One o...
Related: What Is a CPU, and What Does It Do? Even in systems with traditional CPUs, you'll occasionally see DSP-specific chips included. This is because audio signal processing needs to happen in real-time, so optimized circuits can improve this type of performance. Common Uses For Digital...
Voice is being integrated into more and more devices all around us. Learn how Yobe is revolutionizing the field of DSP with a platform that accurately identifies and personalizes voice interactions in noisy environments. Read Blog Waves: Pioneering the Future of Audio Technology The average consumer...
Audio Cues from Binaural Audio Sound from the bird to the left travels towards the listener’s head. But since one ear is further than the other on the human head, the sound reaches each ear at a different time. The difference in timing is processed and understood by our brains to give...
【译】What Is Core Audio? Core Audio 是 iOS 和 OS X 的数字音频基础设施。它包括一组软件框架,旨在处理应用程序中的音频需求。 阅读本章以了解使用 Core Audio 可以做什么。 iOS 和 OS X 中的 Core Audio Core Audio 紧密集成到 iOS 和 OS X 中,以实现高性能和低延迟。 在OS X 中,大多数 Core ...
DSP is not just used in communications systems. It is a versatile technology that permeates numerous domains, including processing signals for audio and speech, sonar and radar systems, sensor arrays, and spectral analysis. It further extends its reach to statistical data processing, image enhancemen...
这时就需要每个电影院音响系统都必备的DSP(数字信号处理)效果器。在这里我仅以哈曼旗下的BSS BLU-800为例。 其实做这样简单的EQ调节很简单,只需要用配置软件Audio Architect设置一个简单的EQ即可。 这里只是简单举个例子 而对于低频部分的声场控制,还是由于EASE自带的数据库实在太老的原因,居然在数据库里没有低音炮...
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the use of digital processing to perform a wide variety of signal processing operations, most commonly audio signals.
A car audio DSP is a tool used to improve the sound quality of your car's audio system. By adjusting the settings on the DSP, you can customize the sound to your liking.
Audio processing is complicated, and as such, you'll find a DSP at the heart of nearly all modern audio processing equipment. Although regular consumers might not be aware of them, DSPs integrate into all kinds of audio devices, including cell phones, headphones, audio interfaces, mixers, spe...