Yume Bitsu在CD內的booklet裡明言: “this recording is intended for bedroom listening at medium to medium-low volume.”,你們播的時候別播太大聲啊。靜靜的感受專輯內獨有的一份蕭索吧。 Spotify連結: https://open.spotify.com/album/27z9KXCrhZlRdXNpf54B7q Posted inif music is meant to be emotional...
https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/hermodr/what-once-was-beautiful/ https://hermodr.bandcamp.com/album/what-once-was-beautiful-album发现《某乐队第一次排练(Cover 谢老板)》 音乐 音乐综合 黑金属 金属乐 dsbm 氛围黑 抑郁黑 abmshiroHCH 发消息 ...
Big Drunk Satanic Massacre - Launching on Nintendo Switch next month is BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre, a twin-stick shooter whose name might result in the...