interviews, press conferences, and tantrums have been studied by thousands of mental health experts as if they had put him on a couch. They have come to the same conclusion: he is unfit to be president of the United States because his mental...
Research on the subject is notoriously difficult, in part because each criminal case is unique. A leading researcher on the subject, Samuel R. Sommers, found in a 2006 study based on mock trials that all-white juries are more prone to convict Black defendants. But the study also found whit...
One in the chamber, the safety is off, released Straight at your dome, Holmes, I wanna see cabbage Biggie Smalls the savage Doing your brain cells much damage Teflon is the material, for the imperial Mic gripper, girl stripper, the Henny sipper I drop lyrics off and on like a light swi...
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In most countries, civilian ownership of military-grade weapons is heavily restricted or completely prohibited due to concerns about public safety and national security. Regulations vary depending on the specific weapon and jurisdiction. 4. What are some examples of military-grade weapons?
City College and the entire CUNY system official said they could not remember a similar donation this large in cash and sent anonymously. Chief Pat Morena, the leader of the Department of Public Safety at City College, said the return address used a fake name that traced back to...
licensed dealers (but does not apply to gun shows), arose from the 1981 assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan [sources:ATF;Hennessey and Mascaro]. The act is named for James Brady, Reagan's press secretary who also was injured in the attempt and went on to become a gun control advocate....
What could come “crashing down on their heads” later on?…that we’ve been told a bunch of lies?…That there’s more to Sandy Hook than what the Jewish-run press has been telling us? And what Carver is forbidden to reveal? There’s more to this cover up that fortunately hasn’t ...