Faith is incredibly important because it is the means through which we establish a relationship with God. As it's written inEphesians 2:8, "For by grace you have been saved through faith." Faith is how we receive the gifts of what Jesus has done for us - he lived a life of pe...
however Chinese embroidery is known for its elegant and attractive design. It can be done on a wide range of materials and its noticeable appearance makes it easy to find. It stands out from other types of materials as it adds texture, while allowing the person doing the ...
I haven’t done it perfectly and don’t expect I ever will. I have fallen behind at times and had to catch up. I’ve burned the midnight oils and had to set my alarm for the wee hours of the morning because I needed to get a post out. But it is always a labor of love. The...
repeated the performance as a formality and show for the world to view. The point being is that Reagan was not qualified to take the Oath of Office and perform the “Rising of Osiris Ritual” in the Rotunda since he hadALREADY TAKEN THE OATH AND WAS ALREADY THE U. S. PRESIDENTthe day...
Light of the World in Scripture “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill c...
Other maps show Caesarea at the lowest point in which that nation touches Israel along the coast. So, I am not clear which one is true. The Southernmost version is about halfway between Jerusalem and Syria. The Pulpit Commentary says this about the cohort. “Jose hus, in the passage ...
It sounds grim, and it is. To understand the influence these schools of thought still wield and what can be done about them, EWTN is proud to announce the television premiere of a three-part series entitled “Wolves in the Fold.” (Each 30-minute episode airs at 5:30 p.m. ET, Monda...
Life is not about hanging on to the past. It is about moving forward in the present. No matter what happened in the past, whether wonderful or woeful, God wants us to live in the now. Respect the past; cherish the lessons learned and the wonderful friends made along the way. Just don...
The most sacred work is done in the dark. The answers to the simple question, “What do you need?” are the real reasons we are here. Share this: Email Twitter Facebook Pinterest Print Tumblr *Image credit: Gardner Edmunds It’s December 17th today, I am sitting in my office (the Pa...
One of the Mormon Books of Scripture, The Pearl of Great Price, says this about non-LDS churches: "...they were ALL WRONG; and the Personage who addressed me said that ALL their creeds were an ABOMINATION in his sight; that those professors were ALL CORRUPT; …" (Joseph Smith, 2:...