JS: The language property for TranslationRecognitionEventArgs is now set for translation.hypothesis events. Speech Synthesis: SynthesisCompleted event is guaranteed to be emitted after all metadata events, so it could be used to indicate to the end of events. How to detect when visemes are received...
"PostAsJsonAsync" is not invoking web api POST action method "System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig" type initializer causes an exception "The given key was not present in the dictionary." when passing null non-Route paramater to ActionLink "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not suppor...
"PostAsJsonAsync" is not invoking web api POST action method "System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig" type initializer causes an exception "The given key was not present in the dictionary." when passing null non-Route paramater to ActionLink "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supporte...
Bots Node.js SDK: The MessageFactory class has been introduced to support new message types and new properties for existing message types. This class supercedes the MessageModel, which is now deprecated. See the version 2.67 release notes. Release 23.04 8 Feature, Enhancement, or Change Impact ...
The drug retail represents the main area of activity for pharmacists worldwide. In Brazil, this sector is responsible for employing around 80% of professionals. Before this reality, the academic training of pharmacists requires specialized skills and kno
Using a semi-structured tool we have developed, we will conduct a minimum of six interviews with intermediaries working in diverse settings for qualitative analysis. The GIC is expected to have a wide range of participants from around the world, helping to ensure a robust sample of intermediary ...
Is Extratorrent.si Blocked? If you’re still unable to access to main Seven Torrents, then most likely it’s prohibited by your ISP or Govt. however Don’t Worry, There are still some {waysways that ways in that} stay by which we are able to simply bypass block by ISP or region. ...
Technetium is one of the transition elements from period five. Technetium is an element that is not found in nature. Man has been able to create it in labs. It is a silvery-gray metal than has been used in steel and super conductors. It is radioactive. Medical, Technology, Medicine, ...
Directed by Lenny Abrahamson, and starring the incomparable Michael Fassbender as Frank, Maggie Gyllenhaal and the incredibly funny and charming Domhnall Gleeson, the film is produced by Element Pictures. We had an amazingly fun time cutting the sales promo for Protagonist Pictures and immersing ...