Docker workshop Home/Get started/Docker concepts/The basics/What is Docker Compose? Explanation If you've been following the guides so far, you've been working with single container applications. But, now you're wanting to do something more complicated - run databases, message queues, caches,...
With Docker Compose, you can speed up and centrally manage the deployment of many containers. If an application needs to be microservice-based, then Docker Compose is the tool wherein each service is managed in separate containers. So rather than managing multiple services in one large container...
Docker compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file to configure the application's services, networks, and volumes.
Get an in-depth overview of the Docker platform including what it can be used for, the architecture it employs, and its underlying technology.
compose文件是一个YML文件,定义了Docker容器的服务、网络和卷。有几个版本的compose文件格式可用–1、2、2.x和3.x。 在进一步开展工作之前,这里有一个Docker Compose团队给我们的重要说明。 从2023年6月底开始,Compose V1将不再被支持,并将从所有Docker桌面版本中移除。
Docker ComposeA tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Docker SwarmDocker’s nativecontainer orchestrationtool for better management of containers across different nodes Docker CLIAllows users to interact with Docker directly from the command line, providing a direct way to con...
Docker Desktop:Docker Desktopis an application for Mac or Windows that includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Kubernetes and others. It also provides access to Docker Hub. Docker registry:A Docker registry isa scalable,open-sourcestorage and distribution system for Docker images....
Say, you’re developing a web application that requires a specific version of a database and a web server. You can define these dependencies in a Docker Compose file. Developers can then use Docker Compose to spin up the entire development environment with a single command, so everyone has ...
Although Docker and its command line, the Docker daemon, its API, and tools such as Docker Swarm, Docker Machine, and Docker Compose only evolved in the last three years, the underlying kernel features have been available in every Linux kernel for nearly a decade. ...
Docker: Orchestration of multi-container apps with Swarm and Compose The container platform Docker offers native functions for the orchestration of containers in physical or virtual clusters. Docker also offers a tool for the deployment of multi-container apps with Compose. Thanks to the native swarm...