thus triggering a thrilling on-the-limit duel. It produced a very exciting finale which, in the end, worked out to the benefit of George Russell, who was thus able to secure his second
22. DNF Duel Ben A @Big B Finished all of the story mode (which is pretty dull but I did it for trophy hunting). I should branch out to more characters but I'm still sticking with Launcher online. Give GeekGold More Actions Add Comment Edited Jul 29, 2022 6.9 23. Geoguessr J...
I have his wooden helmet and Light Car Club of Australia badges, I’m sure he would be glad the racing community is getting something out of them,’ he wrote on Bob Williamson’s Old Motor Racing Photographs – Australia Facebook page, which continues to give…and give. My Lordy-me ther...
It is what it is. However, I'm quite happy with my race because the pace was very strong and at the end of the day we scored good points for the team. On to the next one." Fred Vasseur, Team Principal "First of all I want to congratulate Lando and McLaren because it...
Conversely, in gas storage, temperature variations can have a significant influence on the dynamic behavior of the reservoir. The author's experience is that UGS are usually subject to a gradual cooling over time due to repeated injection of relatively cold gas: the decrease in temperature may ...
In this paper I argue that despite this track record, weighted linear fusion is not a good baseline on the grounds that there is an equally simple and interpretable alternative—namely quadratic mean-based fusion—which is theoretically more principled and which is more successful in practice. I ...
In large scale agriculture the predominant farm power source is the diesel engine installed in tractors, combines, other self-propelled machines and stationary units where electric motors also play an important role. In the developing world, engine power is generally on the increase as low-cost ...
1.2. Local Governments and Critical Infrastructure The local scale is particularly important for risk reduction because most human experiences and decisions related to DRR happen at the local level [4,14–25]. At this scale, human security and quality of life depend partly on how local ...
3.4. Cognitive Analysis: Quantification of Cognitive Deficits Spatial cognition is based on the integration of two types of sensory information: those called allothetic (based mainly on visual information) and those referred to as idiothetic (of which the vestibular system is a major source in ...