Amazon SNS also supports messaging on all AWS endpoints includingAmazon SQSandAWS Lambda. In case the subscriber endpoint is not supported, the SNS service retries message delivery and can move its messages to dead-letter queries (or DLQ). Automatic scalability With the Amazon SNS service, you c...
The status propagation feature in AWS monitoring correlates and aggregates multiple alerts into a single alert, which is then sent as a notification via the parent monitor. As a result, you will receive a single alert from the parent monitor instead of receiving alerts from individual child resou...
IBM MQ 9.4.0 is the follow-on Long Term Support (LTS) release to IBM MQ 9.3.0. It is also the follow-on Continuous Delivery (CD) release to IBM MQ 9.3.5, which is the final CD release for IBM MQ 9.3. IBM MQ 9.4.0 includes the features and enhancements th
AWS offers a wealth of option for doing pub-sub with Lambda. Let's compare these options in terms of scalability, concurrency control, resilience against temporal issues and cost. We'll walk through several scenarios and see how the choice of event sourc
As of Jun 28, 2018, AWS Supports Lambda Triggers for SQS, meaning you don't have to poll for messages any more. Furthermore, you can configure a DLQ on your source SQS queue to send messages to in case of failure. In case of success, messages are automatically deleted (this is ...