Then I found a package in the aur repos: dkms-8192cu which was supposed to have a patched version. However, after installing it still didn’t work. Also downloading the driver from the realtek website didn’t work. There is some stuff on patching on the aircrack-ng web...
Each Coral product has been tested with specific hardware and software versions. These development systems must be connected to a host computer: Product Host Operating System USB Accelerator Ubuntu 18.04 20.04, Debian 10 Buster, Win10 64...
What Is a RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC)? ONFSD-Core Specifications PDF reference-designs
One last question, I have already installed ROCm 3.9.1, is sudo apt autoremove rocm-opencl rocm-dkms rocm-dev rocm-utils enough for the complete uninstallation? ROCmSupport commented Dec 3, 2020 Hi @aliPMPAINT You can uninstall rocm using above command. After that also, if something is ...