(Linguistics) Phonemically relevant and capable of conveying a difference in meaning, as nasalization in the initial sound of mat versus bat. Distinctness The property or degree of being distinct. Distinctiveness The quality of being distinctive, individual or discrete. Distinctness The quality or stat...
'Distinguish' is one word you may learn and use in conversation with your family, friends, or the general public or in writing for work or school.Answer and Explanation: 'Distinguish' means to make oneself distinctive or to stand out from everyone else through having a characteristic or ...
The meaning-distinctive function of tone is especially important in what we call tone language. For example, our mother tongue, Chinese is a typical tone language,in which there four tones: level, rise, fall-rise, and fall. All the four tones have the function of distinguishing meaning. So...
Now, another important concept in Natural Language Processing is Parts of Speech Tagging (POS Tagging). In English language, words are considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meaning, and based on their use or function the words are categorized into different classes known as part...
In the light of componential analysis, the meaning of a word consists of a number of distinctive meaning features, the analysis breaks down the meaning of the word into these features; it is these different features that distinguish word meaning similarly, a phoneme is considered as a collection...
What does it mean if a trademark is distinctiveness is fanciful? Fanciful or Coined Marks. A fanciful or coined mark isat the strongest end of the spectrum because it is inherently distinctive. Such a mark consists of a combination of letters that has no meaning; thus, it is an invented ...
Define distinctive What does anomalous mean? What is the meaning of distinguish? Define interchangeable What does elaborate mean? What does usually mean? What does characteristic mean? Define modify What does alter mean? What does adaption mean?
1.without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid. an insipid personality. 2. without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland. What is another word for insipid? Some common synonyms of insipid arebanal, flat, inane, jejune, and vapid. While all these words...
Researchers observe both unifying and distinctive characteristics of these concepts. The author's opinion is that "lexical meaning", "notion" and "concept" are different terms. They are interrelated, but not equivalent. It seems reasonable that they belong to similar categori...
Noticeably different from others; distinctive. Olga's voice is quite distinct because of her accent. Separate To come apart; become detached The lining has separated from the inside of the coat. Distinct Separate in place; not conjunct or united; with from. Separate To withdraw or break away ...