Digital media have made a strong appeal to people wanting to improve democracy right from the start. Four waves of utopian visions of the last 25 years are described. The concept of digital democracy is defined. Subsequently, six views of both representative and direct democracy are distinguished...
Democracy makes essential things available to everyone who needs them. It gives everyone the power to contribute to, and influence, large and important outcomes. Within an organization, data democratization is no different. By making critical product information available to every qualified person who ...
Democracy is derived from the Greek words demos (people) and kratos (rule). It means a government that is ruled by the citizens of the society. People vote on issues as a group. Features of Democratic Government : Representatives are elected by the people. Every citizen is allowed to vote ...
Business intelligence is an overarching term for the tools and technology used to analyze, visualize, benchmark, predict, and mine business data to make better business decisions.
this vein, we aim to show that corporate responsibility in the digital context is not new to IS or electronic markets research nor to the top-ranked journals of the discipline despite the novelty of the concept as such. In the forward search, we intentionally limited our focus to outlets in...
When tangential motion is absent or insufficiently strong, two such gravitating objects will simply approach each other and collide. We see that when we look at asteroids approaching the moon or one of the planets. They will convert their accumulated kinetic energy and wreak more or less serious...
The Mayflower Compact: The Start of Democracy in America Students will understand the historical context of the Mayflower Compact and why it was created. They will analyze how the Mayflower Compact... Read More Protecting Your Prep Time Prep time is precious to teachers. Between lesson pla...
TheNational Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA)defines digital equity as “a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy.” Digital equity is typically used when referring to education, but...
What is the role of mass media in democracy? What is a digital photogram? What is media management in mass communication? What is the difference between journalism and mass communication? What is communication and media science? What is computer-assisted journalism?
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) defines digital equity as “a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy.” Digital equity ...