The CPRA was passed by a ballot initiative in November 2020 and amended California’s previous state privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). It went into effect on January 1, 2023.The CPRA is cross-sector legislation that introduces important definitions and broad individual ...
The Digital Operational Resilience Act, or DORA, is a European Union (EU) regulation that creates a binding, comprehensive information and communication technology (ICT)risk managementframework for the EU financial sector. DORA establishes technical standards that financial entities and their critical thir...
Data security is a subset of data protection focused on protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption or theft. It encompasses various aspects of information security, spanning physical security, organizational policies and access controls. In contrast, data protection encompasses all o...
Data protection is the process of safeguarding data and restoring important information in the event that the data is corrupted, compromised or lost due to cyberattacks, shutdowns, intentional harm or human error. It embraces the technologies, practices, processes and workflows that ensure rightful ...
What Is a Service Provider Under VCDPA? Under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, service providers are considered "processors." A processor would refer to any entity performing a task for the data "controller"—the company collecting the data and deciding how to use it. Under the VCD...
End-to-end encryption is the act of applying encryption to messages on one device such that only the device to which it is sent can decrypt it. The message travels all the way from the sender to the recipient in encrypted form. What are the alternatives? One alternative is to transfer th...
Whitepaper: Data Leak Detection Know the difference between traditional and superior Digital Risk Protection Services. Download Now A data leak is whensensitive datais accidentally exposed physically, on the Internet or any other form including lost hard drives or laptops, allowing cyber criminal can ...
Digital transformation is expanding the range of potential pathways to processes handling financial data, making financial processes increasingly vulnerable to cybercriminal compromise. Future SOX audits will likely focus more on the role of internal control and cybersecurity frameworks in maintaining financia...
Critical asset protection is extended to support additional use cases for containers.Users can now create custom rules that mark assets managed by Kubernetes (workloads, containers, etc.) as critical based on the asset Kubernetes namespace and/or the asset Kubernetes label....
The primary purpose of encryption is to protect the confidentiality of digital data stored on computer systems or transmitted over the internet or other computer networks. It is used to safeguard a wide range of data, from PII to sensitive corporate assets to government and military secrets. By ...