Mesterolone is an orally active androgenic steroid (AAS) and a dihydro derivative of testosterone (DHT) that is the male sex hormone. It is a weak androgen and is used in the treatment of hypogonadism in men, which is a condition where the testes are not able to produce enough testosterone...
Back to the topic at hand -- the clitoris. Part of hormone therapy for female to male transgendered individuals involves making the genitals look as male as possible. This is done partly with surgery, but primarily with hormone treatments that enlarge the clitoris quite a bit, making it a si...
when you do start researching the topic, “DHT” and “DHT blocker” is everywhere. And you finish your internet search with questions that range from “Um, but what is DHT exactly?” to “Can this really stop me from balding?” to “Why didn’t I pay more ...
Non-medical use of anabolic steroids such as androstanolone is illegal in many jurisdictions, and taking these drugs without a doctor's prescription is not advisable. Just like the hormones they are produced to mimic, anabolic steroids can affect the body in diverse and serious ways. Known side...
DHEA-S was found to be in the highest concentration in both sexes, which is converted by sebocytes and dermal papilla into testosterone and DHT. Serum levels of androgens in acne and their role in acne severity Although researchers point to stress as one of the causes of the burnout syndrome...
but many have found them to be ineffective against more serious cases of hormonal acne. People who suffer from painful cystic bumps, in particular, can benefit from oral medication and other forms of treatments. Medication is also ideal for those who are dealing with certain medical conditions...
Secondary high blood pressure: It is caused by another medical condition or due to the use of certain medications. It gets better once the condition is treated or when the medication is stopped. Who is at risk of high blood pressure? People associated with the following risk factors are more...
Is there a cure for male pattern baldness? Get medical advice online Reviewed byDr Bhavini Shah Male pattern baldness gets its name from the pattern of hair loss that men often experience. It is also known as 'androgenic/androgenetic alopecia' or simply 'male hair lo...
However, some of the medical treatments for BPH can lead to impotence. Once you are diagnosed with BPH, doctors usually recommend medication. Therefore, it is crucial you know that some of the drugs to treat BPH have known side-effects. Some of these include ED and a diminished sex driv...
Candidates should be in good overall health to receive a hair transplant. Because the procedure is consideredsurgery, it might not be an appropriate option forpeoplewho have autoimmune issues, uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension, or any other seriousmedicalconditions. It is also not the right choic...