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Average Hausdorff Distance (AVD) isa widely used performance measure to calculate the distance between two point sets. In medical image segmentation, AVD is used to compare ground truth images with segmentation results allowing their ranking. ... Each set of simulated segmentations was ranked using ...
The aim of this study is to assess the variation in readmissions on the hospital level after adjusting for the relevant case-mix in the Netherlands. Methods Data We used data from the National Medical Registration (Landelijke Medische Registratie, LMR), one of the major Dutch administrative databa...
This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
Medical Encyclopedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition DHFDengue Hemorrhagic Fever DHFDengue Haemorrhagic Fever DHFDansk Håndbold Forbund DHFDiastolic Heart Failure(cardiology) DHFDisable High Pass Filter DHFDomaine des Hautes Fagnes(Belgium hotel) ...
DHEC is currently collecting well survey forms to see how the mine would affect their well water, according to WLTX. South Carolina Sand and Gravel Proposal Met With Concern But the DHEC citation of Planned Parenthood noted that there had been 23 shipments of aborted babies that had been "stea...
Mddi, "M studio wdi golygu fy mod i'n sd mwy gwrthfwr i'r cwmni c m wdi golygu gwll posibilidu gyrfol boddhd yn fy swydd. Dyfoddol disglair i brentis dawnus; ENILLYDD GWOBR HYFFORDDIANT CYMRU * High speed, low power, serial Mobile Display Digital Interface (MDDI) to opti...
The term is also applied to land value: SomeWUMsbelieve that a decrease in land value due to environmental regulation or zoning constitutes a legal "taking" of private property under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, for which taking the landowner should be reimbursed. ...