Numerology is a way of using numbers to describe a person’s character, and to make predictionsabout future life events. Numerologists use the numbers 1-9, 11 and 22 - also known as the “master”numbers - to help a person understand his or her personality, life goals, and destiny. ...
JoinWes Hamilton’s Authorized NumerologistMembershipto reveal your destiny’s timing and receive ongoing support with insights so that you can be the best in your industry and help more people than ever before. Join Today! Username or Email Address ...
each period was represented by a zodiac animal by that animal's nature. Many Chinese believe the hour of your birth is more important than the year you were born. Therefore, Chinese zodiac hours can be particularly informative when analyzing your personality and your destiny. Zodiac AnimalTime...
In numerology, the number 1 is a powerful number that represents new beginnings. It is also associated with leadership and independence. When this number appears in a person’s life, it is often a sign that they need to take charge and make things happen. The number 1 can also be a rem...
If you see 9999, it might be a message from your angels that a period of enlightenment could be heading to you. It's also letting you know that, whatever you're doing with your life, you're on the right path toward your destiny. Next up, learn how to meditate (even as a total...
The period of Sun signs may vary by half a day due to the Earth's orbital rotation around the Sun being out of sync with its axis rotation. Each Sun sign is also associated with one or two rulers/celestial bodies that exert more influence on a particular sign than other celestial bodies...
This is a period of self-discovery and empowerment, urging you to embrace change and let go of outdated patterns. The meticulous attention to detail that defines Virgo becomes your guiding light, allowing you to refine your goals and shape your destiny with precision. Embrace this opportunity to...
The North Node symbolizes where you are headed in this lifetime, the lessons you need to learn, and the experiences shaping your destiny. The North Node is not a physical planet; it’s an imaginary point in space where the Moon’s orbit crosses the Sun’s ecliptic path. Its position det...
Angel Number 24 is a sacred number that signifies both good fortune, health, and success, as well as love. It’s an auspicious number because it represents the period of two people falling in love with each other. What does angel number 24 mean for soulmates?
Lets start from the beginning. In numerology, numbers hold a certain vibration and a certain power behind them, some more than others. 111, well this number carries the combined attributes and energies of the number 1 and the master number 11. Oh La La! 111 is one of the most powerful ...