The intervention must besuitableto avert harm to others. It is considered suitable if it is effective in preventing harm to others. Involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital, for instance, is not suitable in itself to prevent a person in a psychotic state who attacks people in a supermark...
A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §47-25-1, relating to banning the sale of “Barbie” dolls and other dolls that influence girls to be beautiful.WAC? has taken a stand against the pain inflicted by Barbie dolls ...
First, we examined whether the designated reference groups (Table 1) were exchangeable regarding the relationship between KAS and PK. In model M3a, one of the reference groups was allowed to diverge from the other by fixing the κ- and γ-parameters to zero in one reference group and freely...
The exact number 12 is designated by Ar(12C) and called carbon-12 atomic weight; it has no unit. Although it is not strictly speaking a weight, this word is accepted by IUPAC due to its long traditional use and as a tribute to Dalton. By definition, the molar mass Mris this number e...
This is the case of scheduled public transportation vehicles such as buses and trams of a known line. The basic assumption on this kind of movement in our study is that the vehicle does not necessarily stop at every designated stop point along the route. For example, when a bus reaches a...
Since 2015, this family has been split into two genera: Orthohepevirus, which contains four species designated as Orthohepevirus A to D, and Piscihepevirus (Piscihepevirus A) [22,23]. The genus Orthohepevirus A includes eight genotypes (HEV-1 to HEV-8). HEV-1 and HEV-2 have been ...
DFSDesignated Fingerprinting Services DFSDefense Financial Auditing Service DFSDesign for Simplicity DFSDeltamax Freight System DFSDisk Full Syndrome DFSData Fusion Server DFSDigital Facsimile System DFSDouble-Folded Stub(filter) DFSDisciplined Frequency Standard(Sprint) ...
You may enter the Gardens up to 30 minutes prior and 30 minutes after your designated time. Make every effort to arrive at your designated reservation time. Earlier or later arrivals may not be accommodated. Video link for “Festival of Fountains” — ...
We designated analyses that did not meet either of the criteria as more likely to be biased. We designated analyses that met one criteria as less likely to be biased and those that met both criteria as least likely to be biased. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 675 Int....