Predictive analytics is the art of using historical & current data to make projections about what might happen in the future. Learn more for your business.
Learn More Related resources Analysis & Reporting Margin of Error 11 min read Analysis & Reporting Text Analysis 44 min read Analysis & Reporting Sentiment Analysis 21 min read Analysis & Reporting Behavioural Analytics 12 min read SEE MORE
These are descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analyses. The four types of analytics Descriptive analysis Descriptive analysis, as the name suggests, describes or summarizes raw data and makes it interpretable. It involves analyzing historical data to understand what has happened in the...
Descriptive analysis summarize the attributes of a data set. It uses frequency, central tendency, dispersion, & position measurements.
Descriptive analytics is about finding meaning within data. Data needs context: analytics provide the where and when turning figures into measurable patterns. As a form of data analysis, descriptive analytics is one of the four key types of data analytics. The others are diagnostic analysis, ...
Learn what statistical analytics is and how it can be used to collect, analyze, and interpret data. This blog covers statistical analysis types, methods, and more.
Transform raw data into actionable insights with data analysis, a powerful tool for making informed decisions. Learn how data analysis is important for decisions making.
Statistical analysis: What happened? Statistical analysis pulls past data to identify meaningful trends. Two primary categories of statistical analysis exist: descriptive and inferential. Descriptive analysis Descriptive analysis looks at numerical data and calculations to determine what happened in a busines...
Not all data analytics are the same. Most experts divide data analytics into four key types, including descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive. Descriptive analytics describes what happened in the past or what is currently happening. This type of analytics answers questions like who, what...
Companies can use descriptive analytics to gain valuable insight into how they are performing. Because it is generally an industry-specific tool, one company can use it to compare its performance and position in the marketplace with its competitors by looking at its past performance, such as grow...