What is the derivative of y = (e^(-x^2))(ln(tan x))? What is the derivative of ln(sinh x)? What is the derivative of y^2(6-2x)? What is the derivative of x^{\sin(\frac{\pi}{4})}? What is the derivative of y= xcos(x)sin(x) ?
Find the derivative of y 1.y=\frac{1}{2}\sinh (2x+1) 2.y=\left ( 4x^{2}-1 \right )\csc h(\ln 2x) 3.y=2\sqrt{x}\tanh \sqrt{x} 4.y=\cosh ^{-1}2\sqrt{x+1} What is the derivative of csc(x)? Find the derivative of the function y = ( \csc x + \cot x)^...
What is the derivative ofsec−1(x+2)2=2(x+2)(x+2)−1? Differentiation of sec−1x=1xx2−1 Answer and Explanation:1 Lety=sec−1(x+2)2 Differentiation wrt x: {eq}\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{1}{(x+2)^2\sqrt{(x+2)^4-1}} . \frac{d}{dx...
Antiderivative of a function is obtained by integrating that function. 1. Simplify the function . 2. Integrate the function. 3. Use "C" as constant of integration. Answer and Explanation:1 Anti derivative ofx+7xis ∫x+7xdx {eq}\Rightarrow \int \frac {\sqrt x}{x}... ...
Find y' if y= ln( x^2 + y^2) I thought this was just a regular natural log derivative combined with the chain rule. So what I got was (2x + 2y)/ (x^2 +...
However, since the value of cos(x) is submitted within the natural log we must use the chain rule. Then, we multiply 1/cos(x) by the derivative of cos(x). We get the answer: -sin(x)/cos(x) which can be simplified into -tan(x). Related questions What is x plus 18 simplified...
What is Euler's formula? Euler's formula is a mathematical formula that relates the exponential function, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions. What is the derivative of Euler's formula? The derivative of Euler's formula is eix where i is the imaginary unit. This means that the ...
If so, find thederivativesf'(x) and g'(x). Then the given limit is obtained by evaluating the limit limx → af'(x)/g'(x). What is L Hospital Rule Formula? The formula of L Hopitals rule is limx → af(x) / g(x) = limx → af' (x) / g'(x), where the left side ...
What is the derivative of sin x minus cos x? d/dx(sinx-cosx)=cosx--sinx=cosx+sinx How do you prove the following identity sec x - cos x equals sin x tan x? you need this identities to solve the problem..that is something you have to memorized sec x= 1/cosx 1-cos2x= sin2x ...
In this tutorial, you will discover a gentle introduction to the derivative and the gradient in machine learning. After completing this tutorial, you will know: The derivative of a function is the change of the function for a given input. The gradient is simply a derivative vector for a mult...