the exchange will process the order. Demat account details the market price of shares and the availability of shares is verified before the final processing of the order. On completion of the processing, shares are then reflected in your statement of holdings. When a shareholder wishes to sell ...
Angelone App is a powerhouse of cutting-edge tools such as basket orders, GTT orders, SmartAPI, advanced charts and others that help you navigate capital markets like a pro. COMPANY OVERVIEW Open Demat Account Brokerage & Other Charges Contact Us In the Media Investor Relations Webinars Careers...
Only one person can be appointed as heir, whether the security is in one’s name or joint name. Alone B.O. (BO) or in case of death of all the BOs in the joint holding, the heirs will benefit from all the securities in the demat account. What is transposition? Transforming the ord...