A risk-based approach for provision of Spinning Reserve by means of Emergency Demand Response Program Spinning Reserve (SR) is one of the ancillary services which is essential to satisfy system security constraints when the power system faces with a conting... A Yousefi,E Shayesteh,F Daneshvar...
HIV is more efficiently acquired during receptive anal intercourse (AI) compared to vaginal intercourse (VI) and may contribute substantially to female sex workers’ (FSW) high HIV burden. We aim to determine how common and frequent AI is among FSW globally. We searched PubMed, Embase and Psyc...
Demand management is a process that supports supply chain management (SCM). Supply chain management applies to managing all of an organization’s sourcing, developing, manufacturing and delivery activities, including moving materials, services and goods from suppliers. Thesupply chainis a complex, inter...
Let's use Fiverr's referral program as an example. For customers that refer a friend, the friend receives a 10% discount off their first purchase, and you could earn up to $100 as well. So for job hunters, it's a great opportunity to make additional money. What Is Direct Response Ad...
Incident response services Improve your organization’s incident response program, minimize the impact of a breach and experience rapid response to cybersecurity incidents. Threat detection and response solutions Use IBM threat detection and response solutions to strengthen your security and accelerate threat...
ACK Serverless can predict resource demand based on historical data and then scale resources promptly during peak hours. Compatibility with cloud-native services ACK Serverless is fully compatible with Kubernetes and supports Kubernetes-native applications and ecosystems. You can seamlessly migrate Kubernete...
This is one of the most common survey types out there and you can create your own in just a few clicks. All you have to do is use this survey template:Use this template NPS can take the form of a one-click microsurvey, boosting your response rate. On the other hand, it makes sens...
If the response is negative (1-3):Sorry to hear that! How could we improve? If the response is positive (4-5):What do you love about [product name]? Do you feel our [product or service] is worth the cost? (Y/N) What should we do to ‘WOW’ you? (Free text) ...
Incident response services Improve your organization’s incident response program, minimize the impact of a breach and experience rapid response to cybersecurity incidents. Explore incident response services Take the next step Use IBM threat detection and response solutions to strengthen your security and...
The web server is a program that processes users' network requests and serves them with files that create web pages.