Suppose you have two Python files: and Contents of def say_hello(): print("Hello from module_example!") print("__name__ in module_example:", __name__) if __name__ == '__main__': print("This code is executed only when ...
def start_server(): # logic to start the server print("Server started") if __name__ == '__main__': start_server() Output:1 2 $ python Server started In this example, we are able to call start_server() function because we are running as the main mod... if__name__=="__main__":importsysdefecho(text:str,repetitions:int=3)->str:"""Imitate a real-world echo."""echoes=[text[-i:].lower()foriinrange(repetitions,0,-1)]return"\n".join(echoes+["."])if__name__=="__main__":text=" ".join(sys.argv[1:])print(echo...
InPython, __init__ is a special method that is used to initialize the state of an object when it is created. It’s often referred to as theconstructorin other programming languages like C++,Java, etc. This method is automatically called when a new instance of a class is created. In si...
defmain(): forxinrange(5): print(x) if__name__ =="__main__": setup_monitoring() main() In the past, Python debuggers usedsys.settrace, which offered essentially the same functionality but in a less efficient manner. The newsys.monitoringnamespace introduces a streamlined API for event... 1importmarshal2fromdatetimeimportdatetime,timezone3fromimportlib.utilimportMAGIC_NUMBER4frompathlibimportPath5frompprintimportpp6frompy_compileimportPycInvalidationMode7fromsysimportargv8fromtypesimportSimpleNamespace910defmain(path):11metadata,code=load_pyc(path)12pp(vars(metadata))13ifmetadata...
Python Array vs List What is an Array in Python? An array is a data structure that can contain or hold a fixed number of elements that are of the same Python data type. An array is composed of an element and an index. Index in an array is the location where an element resides. All...
def hello_function(): def say_hi(): return "Hi" return say_hi hello = hello_function() hello() Powered By 'Hi' Powered By Understanding Closures Python allows a nested function to access the outer scope of the enclosing function. This is a critical concept in decorators, known as...
Example usage of Python __init__# A Sample class with init method class Country: # init method or constructor def __init__(self, name): = name # Sample Method def hello(self): print('Hello, my name is', c = Country('India') c.hello() ...
#defining the function that is passed as parameter def func2(): print("AskPython") #calling the function x = func1(func2) x() Output Decorator Example Without Using @ Symbol Use of ‘@’ for decorating in Python Now that we have an idea of what a decorator is, let’s understand th...