The term ‘hip-hop’ refers to a complex culture compromising of four elements: deejaying, rapping, rhyming, graffiti painting, and b-boying. These elements incorporate hip-hop dance, style, and attitude. “Hip-hop originated in the primarily African American economically depressed South Bronx sec...
The Five Elements of Hip-Hop:emceeing, deejaying, breakin', graff and beatboxing. What is a master DJ? One person serves the role of DJ, while the other is designated as Master of Ceremonies. The DJ offers a supporting role to the Master of Ceremonies during the ceremonial parts of the...
1.WhatdifficultsituationhasRobbieWildemet?2.Howmuchdoyouknowabouthim?3.IsitpossibleforyoutobecomeaDJifyouwereinthesamecondition?GettingPrepared Warm-upVideo Notes DJ(discjockeyordeejay)DJisapersonwhomixesrecordedmusicforanaudience.ThereareavarietyofDJs,dependingonwheretheywork(,clubandmobileDJs)...
Kid Rock isn't the name on this singer's birth certificate. Instead, it reads Robert James Richie. Rumor has it he got the name while deejaying parties in Michigan, when people would say they enjoyed watching "that white kid rock." Leon Eric Brooks III Kevin Winter, Getty Images Kix Br...
Are they simply pushing buttons? Frying pancakes? Stirring soup? Who knows? It's a mystery to most of us. We were really curious about this, so we reached out to several DJs and experts on the art of deejaying to find out what exactly DJs do when they play live. ...
Are they simply pushing buttons? Frying pancakes? Stirring soup? Who knows? It's a mystery to most of us. We were really curious about this, so we reached out to several DJs and experts on the art of deejaying to find out what exactly DJs do when they play live. ...
This may be the most unlikely song to make this list of the 50 best country songs of the 2010s.Chris Janson's "Buy Me a Boat" was just a demo when his wife sent it to radio deejay Bobby Bones in 2015. The songwriter had all but given up on an artist career, but within a few...