SQL Server R Servicesintegrate the R programming language, used for statistical analysis, into SQL Server. NewDatabase Consistency Checker (DBCC)runs internally to detect potential data corruption issues. Direct Query, which queries live external data rather than importing it first, now supports more...
SQL Server 2022 (16.x) adds WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY as an additional option for shrink operations (DBCC SHRINKDATABASE and DBCC SHRINKFILE). When you specify WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY, new queries requiring Sch-S or Sch-M locks aren't blocked by the waiting shrink operation, until the shrink ...
SQL Server R Servicesintegrate the R programming language, used for statistical analysis, into SQL Server. NewDatabase Consistency Checker (DBCC)runs internally to detect potential data corruption issues. Direct Query, which queries live external data rather than importing it first, now supports more ...
SQL Server R Servicesintegrate the R programming language, used for statistical analysis, into SQL Server. NewDatabase Consistency Checker (DBCC)runs internally to detect potential data corruption issues. Direct Query, which queries live external data rather than importing it first, now supports more...
SQL Server R Services integrate the R programming language, used for statistical analysis, into SQL Server. New Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) runs internally to detect potential data corruption issues. Direct Query, which queries live external data rather than importing it first, now supports ...
What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? SQL Server 2022 SQL Server 2019 SQL Server 2017 SQL Server 2016 Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Database design Development Internals & Architecture Installation ...
SQL Server R Services integrate the R programming language, used for statistical analysis, into SQL Server. New Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) runs internally to detect potential data corruption issues. Direct Query, which queries live external data rather than importing it first, now supports ...
DBCC for Analysis Services Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) runs internally to detect potential data corruption issues on database load, but can also be run on demand if you suspect problems in your data or model. DBCC runs different checks depending on whether the model is tabular or multid...
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE Expanded zone redundancy regions for general purpose Azure SQL Database Elastic Jobs preview refresh* Azure SQL Database free tier* Hyperscale re-launch* *** DC-series with higher vCores* Standby Replication* ***
What to Do When DBCC CHECKDB Reports Corruption?The instant DBCC CHECKDB reports consistency errors in a production database, stop using it to avoid further damage or data loss. Next, perform these two actions:Root-Cause Analysis of Database Corruption in SQL Server S...