Data suggests that the Bitesize pages address excellent readers using specialist terminology; they pursue brevity, precision, and conciseness. While still comprising expository passages for explanatory purposes, Newsround adopts interlocutive strategies and provides verbal and visual stimuli -- including ...
Reference: In mathematics, we explore 3-dimensional objects in the concept of solids and apply them to real-world situations. Soccer balls, cubes, bu...
unfiltered datasets has introduced a significant drawback: bias amplification. Algorithmic bias is when algorithms disadvantage certain groups more than others, whether the demographic characteristic is gender, race, nationality, or something else. When tech developers train models on data that replicates ...
When individual organisms are very large, or out satellite data is very high resolution, we might be able to pick out individuals. But usually this is a problem, either because the organisms are too small or because they move! It gets even more difficult to understand what we're looking ...
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is an ongoing redshift project that is trying to measure the redshifts of several million objects. The first redshift survey was the CfA RedShift Survey, which completed its first data collection in 1982. One emerging field of research concerns how to extract red...
This is incorrect – propylene glycol and butylene glycol are compounds, whereas hemp is a complex mixture. Compounds by definition are the same regardless of source. This is basic high school chemistry: Skin irritation can be caused by...
buses used strongly affect the machine's overall speed. Simple computer designs move data with a single bus structure; multiple buses, however, vastly improve performance. In a multiple-bus architecture, each pathway is suited to handle a particular kind of information, detailed by BBC Bit...
"antibody test" recently too (especially now that one has been officially approved for use by Public Health England), but you may not be fully clued up on what it exactly is and why it's so important in the fight against coronavirus. We've broken it down into handy bitesize chunks for...
Knowing what a journalist is writing about right now is half the battle. Many PR requests are for expert commentary, but if you're reactive, you may be able to provide something relevant other than – oraswell ascommentary – ie. data or a press release. ...