When looking at a university course, you'll see a breakdown of their entry requirements for that course. They usually include what they're looking for you to achieve in the different types of level 3 qualifications, as well as a single points number – this is the UCAS points! The UCAS ...
SVQs are the Scottish equivalent to NVQs in England. Learn about the different SVQ levels, how qualifications are assessed, and more here.
Levels 1-2 – GCSE equivalent Level 3 BTECs – A-level equivalent Levels 4-7 – degree equivalent Additionally, a BTEC Subsidiary Diploma counts the same as one A-level, a BTEC Diploma is equivalent to two A-levels, while a BTEC Extended Diploma counts for three A-levels, so you can ...
The qualifications you need will vary from course to course. However, you should expect to need GCSEs and/or A-levels (or equivalent) which are related to the subject matter - such as science, IT or maths for example. How much does it cost? Here’s what may be the most appealing fac...
Read our guide to understand what a foundation degree is, what subjects you can do at a foundation level and what it means for UCAS points.