Cyber espionage (cyberespionage) is a type of cyber attack that malicious hackers carry out against a business or government entity. The goal of cyber espionage, also referred to as cyber spying, is to provide attackers with information that gives them advantages over rival companies or government...
Cyber risk management, also calledcybersecurityrisk management, is the process of identifying, prioritizing, managing and monitoring risks to information systems. Cyber risk management has become a vital part of broader enterpriserisk managementefforts. Companies across industries depend on information techno...
What is cyber liability insurance? Cyber liability insurance is part of a cyber insurance policy. It protects against third-party claims that the business didn’t adequately or effectively secure personal and private data. Employee error and failure to implement safeguards could be listed as the cau...
Each year brings newcybersecurity threats,data breaches,attack vectors, and previously unknownvulnerabilities. Even withzero-day vulnerabilitieslike EternalBlue, the approach to dealing withcyber threatsis the same: a sound risk management framework with a systematic risk assessment and response approach. ...
Who is responsible for managing cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is interconnected with many other forms of enterprise risk, and the threats and technologies are evolving quickly. Given this, multiple stakeholders must work together to ensure the right level of security and guard against blind spots. But...
Cyber-attacks may steal trade secrets, take systems down for days, and drain off productivity or cash indefinitely. While cyber-attacks are not new; each day new types of cyber-attacks are created by criminals that range from terrorist to teenage hackers. A company's risk is a function of ...
Ultimately, a cybersecurity risk assessment is a launching point that helps an organization better understand the current state of their cybersecurity efforts while identifying areas for improvement. These areas can be prioritized based on how they align to the organization’s business objectives; ...
Any size business with cyber insurance knows what they do and do not need. How do they know? Let Backblaze help you.
Cybersecurity risks pervade every organization and aren't always under the direct control of your IT security team. Increasing global connectivity, usage of cloud services, and outsourcing mean a much larger attack vector than in the past. Third-party risk and fourth-party risk is on the rise,...
Understand what cyber security is, the different types of cybersecurity solutions, and the importance of a consolidated cybersecurity solution