Short options' letters may be clumped together, but you are not required to do this (as compared to old options; see below). When short options are clumped as a set, use one (single) dash for them all, e.g., ''tar' -cvf'. Only the last option in such a set is allowed to ha...
tar– It is a command line tool for Archiving cvf– In this,-cmeans “Creates a new archive”;-vis to show the process of archiving performed by the tar;-fis to specify the file. 2. Extracting files from a tar archive Those who already have someTar fileand want to extract the conten...
--exclude option with the tar command. for example, to exclude the directory "excludedir" when creating a tarball, you can use the command: tar -cvf archive.tar -exclude=excludedir. what is the file extension of a tarball? tarballs typically have a file extension of ".tar". however, ...
tar -cvf - inputfile1 inputfile2 | gzip > file.tar.gz Note:Ifgzipisn't available on your system, use the Unixcompresscommand instead. In the example above, replacegzipwithcompressand change the.gzextension to.Z(thecompresscommand specifically looks for an uppercase Z). You can use other ...
$ tar cvf - /path/to/dir | nc 5000 6. Perform UDP port scanning against a remote host. $ nc -vnzu 1-65535 Connection to 68 port [udp/*] succeeded! Connection to 5353 port [udp/*] succeeded!
# tar -xvf archive.tar Here we goes to the extension “.tar.gz”. Yes, there is an option in tar command to compress the files by using additional switches like “-z”, “-j” for Gzip and Bzip respectively. Examples: For gzip, ...
In your first post you mentioned "exponential function", which is a Fortran intrinsic function, instead of "exponential integral", with the result that you seemed to be "rebuilding the wheel". Now, for the exponential integral. Abramowitz and Stegun's Handbook of Mathematical Functions has a se...
For those who are curious, the asterisk in the cvf command ensures that tar includes all the files and directories recursively. You can also replace the asterisk with a dot if you want to compress hidden files as well. Moreover, you can completely remove *.jpg from the command if you nee...
tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 dir1 创建一个包含了 'file1', 'file2' 以及 'dir1'的档案文件 tar -tf archive.tar 显示一个包中的内容 tar -xvf archive.tar 释放一个包 tar -xvf archive.tar -C /tmp 将压缩包释放到 /tmp目录下 ...