Oracle uses work area to execute SQL statements and store processing information PL/SQL construct called a cursor lets you name a work area and access its stored information A cursor is a mechanism used to fetch more than one row in a Pl/SQl block. ...
pl/sql table is temparary table which is used to store records temrparaily in PL/SQL Block, whenever block completes execution, table is also finished. Was this answer useful? Yes Replypandish Apr 30th, 2006 Cursor is a pointer to a memory location, where all the rows have been r...
ASP.NET application not finding Oracle.Web.Dll ASP.NET bundle cache not clearing after modifications button with Font Awesome ?? c# - Sending email with french characters in ToAddress C# how can we know the OS the client is using ASP.NET C# write to file ASP.NE...
SQL is generally used for modifying and querying information in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). PL SQL comes to plug in the shortcomings of SQL and enhances the characteristics of SQL. While working with Oracle Database, PLSQL is the preferred choice for developing good code altho...
ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client' could not be loaded. AJAX & Controller - Success result return into Error Block Ajax call not hitting the controller action method, status 500 , Internal Server Error ajax does not redirect after controller is called mvc 5 ...
This feature enables applications to retrieve REF Cursors from a PL/SQL procedure or function and pass them to another stored procedure or function. See Also: "Passing a REF CURSOR to a Stored Procedure"New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release Data Provider for .NE...
drivers = [driver for driver in pyodbc.drivers()]print(drivers) Executing SQL Queries: After establishing a connection, SQL queries can be executed. cursor = conn.cursor()cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table_name") Fetching Results: Retrieve all results or just one. rows = cursor.fetchall()...
MobileTogether supports the ability to localize apps in multiple languages. As a localized app evolves over time, some localized strings may no longer be used. Now, it is possible to find these inactive strings and remove them. The command to list unused functions, user variables, etc., in...
A cursor (pointer) is also maintained in a ResultSet object to identify the current data row. A ResultSet object also contains ResultSet meta data which provides column definitions. ResultSet objects support 3 types of scrollabilities: TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (default), TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, and ...
What's New in 11.1 Some aspects of the Oracle OLAP Java API are much the same as in previous releases, such as the ability to create queries with classes in and to retrieve the data with classes in However, in Oracle...