at least in physics. Matter is not conserved, while mass is conserved in closed systems. According to the theory of special relativity, matter in a closed system may disappear. Mass, on the other hand, may never have been created nor destroyed, although it can be converted...
Force is everywhere and it comes in a variety of sizes, directions, and type. We can define Force as the push or pull of an object. Learn Force definition, unit & types of Force with solved examples.
Each covalent bond in the semiconductor, consists of two valence electrons contributed by two neighbouring atoms. When one of the valence electrons leaves the bond, the bond becomes incomplete. This incomplete bond has a strong tendency to complete itself by attracting an electron. The hole is the...
The definition of terms is essential to any successful scholarly study. Resolution The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination Faced the situation with resolution. Definition The state of being clearly outlined "With the drizzle, the trees in the little clearing had lost definition" ...
Inductance is defined as the property of an electric conductor which causes an electromotive force that is generated due to a change in the current flow. There are two types of inductance: self-inductance and mutual inductance.
Which means that the current density JJ is just the flow jj divided by the areaextension of the finish-area. Since our "charge flow" j=ΔQΔtj=ΔQΔt is the definition of electric current II, we have that the current density is J=IAJ=IA. JJ is the flow of electrons through the ...
This is the definition of a wave function in physics and chemistry and an explanation of why the wave function is important.
What is quantum in physics? The modern use of quantum in physics was coined by Max Planck in 1901. He was trying to explain black-body radiation and how objects changed color after being heated. Instead of assuming that the energy was emitted in a constant wave, he posed that the energy...
Log In Sign Up Subjects Science Physics Quantum mechanics What is current quantum electrodynamics?Question:What is current quantum electrodynamics?Quantum Electrodynamics:Through the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED) has been achieved an amazing combination of the special theory of relativity and...
What is harmonic motion? In physics, harmonic motion orsimple harmonic motionrepresents repetitive movement -- back and forth --- through a central or position equilibrium. In this case, the maximum displacement on one side is equal to the total displacement on the opposite side. ...