请问下,What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of128 billion,private saving of 806 billion,and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 答案 1280亿美元政府预算赤字,8060亿美元私人储蓄,国内资本组成7770亿美元,这个国家的现金帐户余额是多少?会翻译,不会算,你...
The main culprit behind the current account deficit is theU.S. trade deficit. In 2020, it was $679 billion.2 Causes Why would the richest country on earth need to borrow money to sustain its economy? It’s because of the trade deficit. Americans spend more on imports than U.S. busines...
Due to the current scenario of high current account deficit and some other factors, there has been a free fall in the Indian currency rupee which is directly hammering a pin to a plane in the country. Naturally, if a country is in a difficult situation, a common man is in ...
What is the max level of fiscal/revenue deficit that a state government can run in India? How do they finance it? What does nondiscretionary fiscal policy refer to? What is Pakistan's monetary and fiscal policy in the 2nd and 3rd five year plan?
A country has a current account ___ if it is spending more on goods and services than the value of the what it is producing. A、surplus B、deficit C、balance D、unbalance 点击查看答案 手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 “品字标浙江农产”品牌评价要求发布于( )年。 点击查看答案 手机...
flow of tradeThe world economy is characterised by a three-polar structure between the United States of America, Europe and Asia and fundamental disequilibria, revealed by the accumulating current account deficit of the United States. What role can exchange rate policies play in stabilizing the ...
A current account deficit is the net outflow of goods, services, investment income, and transfers from a country. If the country...
budget deficit and how has it changed over the last few years? 2. What is the total amount of U.S. debt and how has this changed in the last few years? Who holds this What is the current fiscal policy of the government of the Islamic Republic...
The current account deficit is a measurement of a country’s trade where the value of the goods and services it imports exceeds the value of the products it exports. The current account includes net income, such as interest and dividends, and transfers, such as foreign aid, although these co...
A nation's current account deficit is a broader measure. The trade deficit is almost always the largest component of the current account deficit, but the current account deficit includes other numbers, such as foreign aid and international investment. It is, in fact, possible for a na...