请问下,What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of128 billion,private saving of 806 billion,and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 答案 1280亿美元政府预算赤字,8060亿美元私人储蓄,国内资本组成7770亿美元,这个国家的现金帐户余额是多少?会翻译,不会算,你...
The current account reflects the frequent occurrence of domestic and foreign projects, including trade balance (i.e. import and export), labor income and expenditure (such as pport, port, communications and Tourism) and unilateral pfer (e.g. remittance, gratuitous assistance and donation, inter n...
1)What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of$128 billion, private saving of$806 billion, and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 2) “A country is better off running a current account surplus rather than a current account deficit.” Do you...
A current account is an assessment of a country's current balance of transactions. When a current account is not...
By making these two changes, you can change the status of your current account from negative to positive. This means the country is earning more than it's spending. Not unlike your personal budget, this means more money is coming in than going out. Increasing the positive balance in the cu...
Interest Rate on Current Account Usually banks don't offer any interest on the deposits in Current Account. Now-a-days some banks have started offering an interest on current account deposits but the rate is very low. Minimum Account Balance (MAB) Requirement for Current Account ...
Current account of a country is one half of itsbalance of payments– the other half being the capital account, which measures a country’s investments in cross-border financial instruments and changes in central bank reserves. How to Open a Current Account ...
What Is a Foreign Currency Account? What Are Accounting Transactions? What is a Current Accounts Overdraft? How do I Open a Current Account Online? What is a Current Account Balance? What is a Current Account Surplus? What is a Current Account Deficit?
A current account surplus is a positive current account balance, indicating that a nation is a net lender to the rest of the world.
An account balance is the amount of money in a financial repository, such as a savings or checking account, at a specific time.