按《国家发展改革委关于进一步完善分时电价机制的通知》(发改价格〔2021〕1093 号)规定,各地要统筹考虑当地电力供需状况、系统用电负荷特性、新能源装机占比、系统调节能力等因素,将系统供需紧张、边际供电成本高的时段确定为高峰时段,引导用户( )、错峰避峰 ...
刘爷爷和王爷爷是某老年运动兴趣小组的成员,此小组围绕寻找适合老年人的体育运动锻炼为主题。带组社工程琳预计此小组开设8次,在第6次小组活动中,刘爷爷和王爷爷就“老年人能不能去游泳”这一话题从讨论到发生了争执,最后开始了激烈的吵架。在这个时候,程琳不应该( )。
Nossent, A
Looking for online definition of SNOMED-CT or what SNOMED-CT stands for? SNOMED-CT is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Caregiver burnout in medical terminology Caregiver burnout, termed caregiver role strain in the medical field, is a serious enough phenomenon that it was accepted as a medical diagnosis in 1992 by NANDA International, a professional nursing organization focused on standardizing nursing terminology. NANDA...
What is the medical term for heartburn? Build a medical word meaning inflammation of: a uterine tube. Define the following abbreviation commonly used by medical personnel to speed up their charting in the patient's record: "Sx". Break down the word "Pulmonolgist" for medical terminology. Give...
What is the medical term for a breast x-ray?Radiographic Techniques:The imaging techniques that use radiation (X-ray, gamma rays) to visualize the internal structure of the human body are known as radiographic techniques. These techniques are used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes....
The whole range of medical terminology is not covered by ICHI and ICD-10, but with SNOMED CT, because ICD-11 and ICHI may be used in strict limitations to annotate procedures and diagnosis. A sample value set (n = 30) shows high mapping equivalence in SNOMED CT. In the literature,...
What is DSM in psychology? The DSM, by the American Psychiatric Association, is a guide for diagnosing mental disorders, changing with mental health.
ICD-10 is sometimes used in conjunction with Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT), a multilingual vocabulary of clinical terminology that is used to capture the clinical data of a care episode. Mapping SNOMED CT to ICD-10 can help simplify reporting and access to...