If you are a interactive web developer, then Less css is a must learn style sheet programming language. Basic pre requirement is to learn css is basic CSS knowledge. If you want to learnwhat is CSS.Please visit my post aboutCSS. LESS CSS– A dynamic style sheet language, an extension to...
CSS is one of the most important languages in the World Wide Web. But working with the stylesheet language is often unnecessarily complicated, which is why many developers prefer to use Less instead. The CSS preprocessor not only makes writing stylesheet code easier, it also… ...
Why is XSS Dangerous? While XSS vulnerabilities may be perceived as less dangerous than say SQL injection vulnerabilities, the consequences of XSS attacks, especially stored XSS attacks that rely on JavaScript can be very dangerous because: JavaScript can access all objects that a web page has acce...
LESS allows variables to be defined. LESS variables are defined with an @ (at) sing. Variable assignment is done with a : (colon) sign. During compilation, the values of the variables are inserted into the CSS output file as well as CSS minified file. H...
What is CDN?,CDN:Alibaba Cloud CDN is a global network of points of presence (POPs) that are distributed across the globe. CDN serves to reduce origin traffic. This in turn prevents network congestion and ensures that...
/* When container is less than 700px wide */@container(width < 700px){.card{background-color:black;}}/* When container is less than 900px tall */@container(height < 900px){.card{background-color:white;}} Copy And it’s worth noting here that if two separate (not chained) containe...
The default session-timeout period for each availability replica is 10 seconds. This value is user-configurable, with a minimum of 5 seconds. Generally, we recommend that you keep the time-out period at 10 seconds or greater. Setting the value to less than 10 sec...
A full-stack web developer is a person who can develop bothclientandserversoftware. In addition to mastering HTML and CSS, he/she also knows how to: Program abrowser(e.g. using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, or Vue) Program aserver(e.g. using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node) ...
fibre channel over ethernet accounts for less than 5% of all sans. this protocol routes fc packets over ethernet. this reduces san infrastructure complexity and improves flexibility. due to the fact that you use a single device to transfer both storage data and ip packets, switching solutions ...
The default session-timeout period for each availability replica is 10 seconds. This value is user-configurable, with a minimum of 5 seconds. Generally, we recommend that you keep the time-out period at 10 seconds or greater. Setting the value to less than 10 seconds creates the possibility...