In the first year at high school or college students are called “freshmen”, in the second they’re called “sophomores”, in the third year we call them “juniors” and in the fourth year they’re called “seniors”. Now a lot of high school graduates then go to college or university...
Interestingly, pineapple is called “Ananas” in both German and Marathi. When I learned this, I was amused but also thrilled by how close our cultures are. Beyond my love for languages, I take pleasure in reading and travelling to new places. Example 14 My hobbies are running, hiking and...
If you are already speaking Hindi (with some Farsi words thrown in), playing Cricket, watching Bollywood and practicing the ‘Indian’ version of a religion why not go whole hog and do full Ghar Wapasi, eh, eh? Iranian-turanian chhaddo, desi bano 0 S Qureishi 3 years ago ...