On February 29, 2024, Microsoft will host apartner webcast “What's next for CSP Partners and Microsoft Copilot”(AM option|PM option)hosted by Giovanni Mezgec, VP of Modern Work + Business Apps Field & Partner Marketing; Emily He, CVP of Business Apps; and D...
For the CSP offer…this is where the customer buys Azure from a partner participating in our CSP program and would by the partner's solution through the CSP as well. MSFT doesn’t sell directly to this customer, hence there is no MACC. For MPO (multiparty pri...
VANCOUVER BAR ASSOCIATION NOTICE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME: "Just a reminder that VBA memberships are now due. The 2006-2007 renewal form is available for download on the VBA Website at: www.vancouverbar.ca/forms/mrenewal.pdf" Please return this form and your cheque, payable to the "Vancouver...
Warfare and other menus, promote and reward players who play PORTAL. I'm tired of always playing the same map and I want to be able to play all night on the maps that I like. Understanding it once and for all PORTAL is what the community...
is an enemy. Specially comming around a corner or through smoke. This is a shooter and it should be clear whos who, even if you do not see the Name or Tag. That meens unified styles for each team and not some clown suit. Not interested in characters, this is a shooter. Not an ...
Yes, programming languages often use specific suffixes to indicate the type or purpose of a file. For example, in the Java programming language, the suffix ".java" is used for Java source code files. Similarly, in C and C++, the suffix ".c" and ".cpp" are used for C and C++ source...
There are two types of predictive models.Classification modelspredict class membership. For instance, you try to classify whether someone is likely to leave, whether he will respond to a solicitation, whether he’s a good or bad credit risk, etc. Usually, the model results are in the form ...
countries that hold a membership of the EU.3 The choice of criteria is based on common political tendencies and societal responses which are evident in selected countries as a result of the ongoing European migrant crisis. Preventing factors of immigrant integration are examined at political, social...
Jennifer Mathieu, MA from the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) discusses what to expect from AMCP Nexus 2023 and some of the sessions she is looking forward to. Q: What can attendees look forward to at AMCP Nexus 2023? Jennifer Mathieu: To start from the top, I think one th...
“Anyone who wants to pay for membership in their national body is able to come join the fun.” Yeah… OK, so maybe the next standard will be “freely available”, but only if you’re white? :| I can’t agree with the statement that “free” doesn’t have to mean “free...