2. If a traffic source, be it Meta or PropellerAds, shows plenty of ads that nobody interacts with, this might mean the source’s space is full of irrelevant banners, push notifications, interstitial ads, or whatever else. Why show them at all, then? Now, look at this simple picture:...
and try to role play what that would mean for decision-making an RPG. However, just because a game is an RPG that doesn't mean that you have to role play in it. I've played BG many hundreds of times, but only actually used role play to any significant extent in a handful of ...
I mean, shit, one tub of casein protein powder costs me about As much as a single Ring Fit Adventure game. Fitness is not cheap if you're actually taking it seriously. Your arguments are not coming through. Just don't buy it if you don't want it. Of course i am not buying it,...
Makes sense! And we wish you to stay in green — whatever CTRs your statistics show. LAUNCH YOUR CAMPAIGN What’s your average CTR? Discuss it on ourTelegram chat Advertisers Affiliate Marketing CTR Tips View more posts [Exclusive] How Sports Events Impact iGaming & Push Traffic ...
I haven't run it yet, but seeing how dense the population and detail in Cyberpunk is, I can imagine it's a pretty CPU hungry game. By the looks it also seems far more graphically intensive than, say, Metro Exodus. UhreForFan 1 ...
Gamification of education is a developing approach for increasing learners’ motivation and engagement by incorporating game design elements in educational environments. With the growing popularity of gamification and yet mixed success of its application
He said that a person who said that he “trained soldiers for combat” at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, told him that trainees could hold up a card “if you were too mean to them” and you had to back off, and that basic training was so easy now that it is a joke. The business...
Life Is Strange/LiS: Before the Storm Mirror's Edge I've also got stuff given away for free that I'm not in any rush to play (Battlefield 1, for instance), and stuff Iwasenjoying, but is just broken to the point where I'll never be able to complete it (mostly Ubisoft stuff, cu...
I mean, you can do so, but it kinda feels like you shouldn't deviate from the routine? Milo v3 wrote: Keep a more starfinder-y style monster creation system as that's far more gm friendly than PF2es. Anyway, this one I'm curious about. Starfinder monster creation rule is "you ...
Trials. You mean good tank in trials. For vet dungeons you don't need anything like that. To conclude it Well, i agree here. BUT, good tank in dungeons mostly taunt and not die, and it's easy as i dunno what. Good DD in dungeon is like 25K self-buff dps and it will require ...