But here’s the deal:Comprehensive insuranceonly covers damage to your vehicle caused by somethingotherthan a collision. So it could be anything from vandalism, fire and theft to animal damage or a tree that decides to use your car to break its fall during a storm. What Other Policies Could...
What exactly is full coverage car insurance? Bankrate explains.Full coverage car insurance typically includes comprehensive and collision coverage.
Give two (2) examples of items that may be covered in a business insurance policy. What is comprehensive income, and what does it include? Define medical payments coverage. If your homeowner's insurance premium is $1,000 and your deductible is $2000, what could be considered the strike ...
The world ofcar insuranceis full of a lot of different coverage options and terms that you may not be familiar with. One such term that you’re likely to encounter at some point is “comprehensive coverage.” But whatiscomprehensive insurance coverage, and how can you tell if it’s somethin...
Personal property insurance is a crucial component of a comprehensive insurance strategy, offering protection for your belongings in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as theft, damage, or loss. While many individuals are familiar with the concept of homeowners or renters insurance, the specific...
Comprehensive Insurance:Covers non-collision incidents like theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. If your car is stolen or damaged by a hailstorm, comprehensive insurance helps cover the costs. Personal Injury Protection (PIP):Covers medical expenses for you and your passengers, regardless of fault...
, but some do not. However, it’s typically a good idea to have a policy in place.A comprehensive renters insurance policy (akaHO-4 policy) can help cover your personal belongings, liability exposure and additional living expenses should your home become uninhabitable due to a covered event....
Commercial general liability insurance provides businesses with comprehensive coverage for personal injury, property damage and advertising injury caused by your company’s business operations, products, or employees. Commercial general liability coverage is required by most businesses to protect them from fin...
Comprehensive insurance is a type of automobile insurance that covers damage to your car from causes other than a collision. Comprehensive insurance will cover your vehicle if destroyed by a tornado, dented by a run-in with a deer, spray-painted by a vandal, damaged by a break-in, crushed ...
Commercial general liability insurance is a form of comprehensiveinsurancethat offers coverage in case of damage or injury caused by a business’s operations or products, or on its premises. There are two types of CGL policies: a claims-made policy that covers claims regardless of when the event...