maintenance:是维护,维修的意思,指的是具体的维修工作, Maintainability:是可维护性的意思,它表示的是一种程度,一般可以用百分比来表示,相当于一个技术指标。 四种维护工作如下: 第一种,纠正性维护(corrective maintenance) 也就是我们常说的修改bug,这个工作一般具有强迫性,不得不做。 第二种,适应性维护(adaptive ...
Reactive maintenance, sometimes called corrective maintenance, refers to anequipment maintenancestrategy where maintenance is only performed once an asset has broken down. The reactive maintenance approach is based on the belief that costs sustained during asset downtime or because of necessary repair are...
Preventive maintenance (PM) is a strategy in which maintenance work is performed ahead of time to prevent asset failures that can result in downtime, safety issues, and production shutdowns.Preventive maintenance boosts uptime, reduces costs, and simplifies labor, part, and resource planning for m...
Reactive maintenance activities can differ depending on how critical the affected equipment is. Emergency maintenance: A high-urgency response to equipment failure, this type of reactive maintenance helpskeep your personnel safe, minimize downtime, and avoid additional damage to assets. ...
Corrective or reactive maintenance is when you wait for a problem to occur before addressing it. Often a small problem will go unnoticed until it becomes a larger issue. This is called the ‘run to failure method.’ However, this type ofcorrective maintenanceisn’t cost effective, as it incr...
Prescriptive maintenance Prescriptive maintenance is a more proactive maintenance strategy than even predictive maintenance. Where predictive maintenance identifies potential failures, prescriptive maintenance also provides specific corrective maintenance actions to prevent them from happening in the first place. The...
Maintenance performed in response to a sudden breakdown or failure of equipment. This type of maintenance is often unplanned and can result in increased downtime and costs. Corrective maintenance Maintenance performed to correct a defect or fault in equipment. This type of maintenance is typically un...
How to distinguish between maintenance work? As previously shown, not all maintenance work is the same. As a general rule, maintenance is divided into two basic types: preventive maintenance –regularly scheduled equipment checks and services corrective maintenance –repair or replacement of equipment ...
Work order means, simply put, an order for maintenance work. A work order is a document or digital task that details maintenance work, parts, & process for assets. Work orders are key to organizing a maintenance strategy. Start your CMMS Journey Today: ...
Corrective maintenance is any work that gets assets back into proper working order, although it’s most commonly associated with smaller, non-invasive tasks that fix a problem before a complete failure occurs. For example, realigning a part during a routine inspection. Preventive maintenance Prevent...