这篇文章是TPO66第三篇文章,欢迎同学们来练习,建议做题时间:18分钟。 参考答案和视频讲解在最后。 参考答案CABBD BBBD CDE 视频讲解 如果你想系统学习托福阅读的题型技巧,和完备的阅读训练计划+题目讲解,可以…
双语阅读 ‖ 珊瑚是什么? What Is Coral ?The hard, dry corals seen in stores and museums are made up of the combined skeletons of tiny creatures which once lived joined together as a colony in the sea. The coral animal, or polyp, measures only about a...
is huge, and to complicate the matter further, the same species will grow in a different way depending on the physical characteristics of the place in which it finds itself.Although a coral’s genetic blueprint is fundamental in determining what it looks like, its appearance is also affected ...
TPO66P2托福阅读精讲what is coral-1.第1题 762021-05 5 TPO66P1-9.第10题 592021-05 6 TPO66P1-8.第9题 362021-05 7 TPO66P1-7.第7,8题 472021-05 8 TPO66P1-6.第6题) 482021-05 9 TPO66P1-5.第5题 612021-05 10 TPO66P1-4.第4题) 602021-05 查看更多 ...
►Coral reefs would not exist if it were not for the ability of coral polyps to secrete limestone or calcium carbonate.Sea water surrounding a coral is very rich in dissolved calcium carbonate, but the fluid inside the polyp cannot retain a large quantity of calcium carbonate, so it is lai...
What was/is where is 系列 by:Janet2018Yi 160 It Is What It Is-Walter Stewart by:嘻哈有态度 655 It Is What It Is-Vy Lord by:嘻哈有态度 330 It Is What It Is-Walter Stewart by:嘻哈有态度 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
what is coral(生态类) 逐题视频讲解 题号答案解析 1C视频讲解 2A视频讲解 3B视频讲解 4B视频讲解 5D视频讲解 6B视频讲解 7B视频讲解 8B 9D视频讲解 10CDE视频讲解 错题分析表格下载 在线时间:周一至周日 ·Beijing Office 联系电话:010-53398560 官方电邮:email us ...
Whenacoraldies,itsshellremains,andothercoralsgrowonit.Overmillionsofyearspilesofremainsbecomehardunderwater rocks---thereefs.Coralshavemanyshapes,sizesandcolours,andreefscanlooklikebeautifulunderwater gardens.点击画面,播放影片。Acoralreefisafantasticworld,isn’tit?Everythingisbeautifuldownhere.Butdon’tget...
高考英语复习课件 珊瑚礁 What is a coralPPT共36页 高考英语复习课件珊瑚礁Whatisacoral 16、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为了城墙而战斗一样。——赫拉克利特17、人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。——柏拉图18、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强者做...