COP28, held in Dubai in 2023, was a significant moment. McKinsey delegates in attendance at COP28 reported progress toward decarbonization. But much more ambition is needed to limit warming to 1.5°C.Delegates to COP28 made pledges on behalf of member countries: full delivery of the energy-...
Here are some key facts about COP28 and why it is of critical importance for humanity. WHAT IS COP28? COP28 stands for the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In the three decades since the Rio Summit...
December 11, 2024- After COP29, as everyone looks ahead to 2025, the outlook on sustainability and related investments is not straightforward. This article captures reflections from our discussions in and around COP29 and some views on the path ahead....
Joana Pedro— Head of Social Issues at the UNEP Finance Initiative— presented an interactive, web-based tool that will assist investors in acting on each of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which is due to be finalised before the end of this year. People However, the...
The central focus is likely to be a much bigger target for climate finance – a mechanism by which wealthy countries provide funding to help poorer countries with their clean energy transition and to strengthen their climate resilience. At the Copenhagen COP talks in 2009, deve...
Another aim of COP26 is to increase climate finance to help poorer countries transition to clean energy and adapt to climate change. This is an important issue of justice for many developing countries whose people bear the largest burden from climate change but have contributed least to it. Weal...
Climate finance is also included in the overall aid figure. This includes spending to help developing nations respond to climate change and mitigate its impact. It's a key subject of debate at conferences like COP where richer industrialised countries make pledges to help poorer d...
Another aim of COP26 isto increase climate financeto help poorer countries transition to clean energy and adapt to climate change. This is an important issue of justice for many developing countrieswhose people bear the largest burdenfrom climate change but have contributed least to it. Wealthy co...
Nevertheless, the meeting is crucial. COP29 has been dubbed the “finance COP”. The central focus is likely to be a much bigger target for climate finance – a mechanism by which wealthy countries provide funding to help poorer countries with their clean energy t...
12.Herd behavior is evident when people do what others are doing instead of using their own information or making independent decisions and it is particularly relevant in the domain of finance,where it has been discussed in relation to the collective irrationality of investors,including stock market...