school,when,intheplantingclubofherschool,shelearnedhowtogroweggplants. Fromthenon,shewas 1 ingrowingtheeggplants.Latershefoundabigpieceoflandin thehomebackyardtoplantseeds,hopingto 2 hercropinfall. Thiswas 3 thanitsounds.Shespentallhersparetimecaringfortheplantsandshe becamethinner.However,hergreatwork...
This phenomenon has been documented worldwide since the 1920s, and is called “crown shyness”. It happens when trees appear to give each other space.”(你可能会发现王冠就像一把令人窒息的伞,在树顶之间有沟壑状的缝隙。自20世纪20年代以来,这种现象在世界范围内都有记录,被称为“王冠性羞怯”。当...
The evolution of plants to efficiently transport water and assimilates over long distances is a major evolutionary success that facilitated their growth and colonization of land. Vascular tissues, namely xylem and phloem, are characterized by high specialization, cell heterogeneity, and diverse cell comp...
‘Nature’ can be many things which are not biodiverse but do have ‘natural elements’, such as a monoculture plantation which lacks ecosystem diversity but is still called ‘nature’ by many. ‘Positive’ is even more ambiguous and is related to other concepts such as ‘net gain’ and ...
This is one of the reasons why men usually find it easier to build and maintain muscle mass than women. Fat loss with testosterone possible? Testosterone plays a crucial role in controlling carbohydrate and fat metabolism as well as determining the form and location of body fat. A high ...
other animals, they get moral precedence and thus I am disposed to direct my charity at them over animals and plants and stuff. Having put all this in writing, two things are clear to me. The first is that I’m definitely going to support FRANK Water. The second is that I’m very ...
aIt's an extreme example of what can happen when the ants — which also can disable huge industrial plants — go unchecked. Controlling them can cost thousands of dollars. But the story is real, told by someone who's been studying ants for a decade. 它是什么的一个极端例子可能发生,当能...
House centipedes have a pair of legs called forcipules right below their mouths, converted to carry out pincer-like actions. They use these pincer-like legs to discharge a venomous sting at their prey or use it for self-defense. The pair of legs at the end of centipedes’ bodies is very...
“We believe this is the first evidence for an animal behaviorally controlling sleep and wakefulness at the same time in different regions of the brain,” the researchers say. The results provide the best evidence for a long-standing assumption that single-hemisphere sleep evolved as creatures scan...