credit card companies, and other manufacturers that must comply with consumer laws may prefer to employ lawyers directly rather than contract through law firms. Lawyers may work on implementing laws, or they may work to handle complaints and formal litigation. They may also lobby lawmakers to chang...
What Is Consumer Law? a legal resource providing information on consumer law to help you learn more about common issues around this legal topic.
what contract law is and how to become a contract lawyer. steps to become a consumer protection attorney a j.d. degree is mandatory if you want to become a consumer protection lawyer. once you've gotten into law school , here are the next steps experts suggest. take a ...
Many countries have laws that provide some measure of protection for private information. In many countries, for instance, it is illegal for anyone to wiretap a phone without a warrant to do so. Federal laws, such as the United States based Privacy Act of 1974 and the Canada-based Personal...
The article explores the Decision on Amending the People's Republic of China (PRC) Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers issued by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), which improves several areas including the greater protection of personal ...
What is the coverage period? Most states have alternative periods whether it be one (1) year or 12,000 miles or two (2) years or 24,000 miles. The experienced attorneys Krohn and Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center ® have also provided manyhelpful resources regarding the Lemon Law. We hav...
Even so, many areas of the world still put few restrictions on the use of PII data. For example, the U.S. federal government has yet to pass a comprehensive consumer privacy law, which means most states are still unprotected. Many other countries have also failed to pass meaningful privacy...
The Government has pledged to change the law to introduce aminimum service requirements othat,even when strikes occur services can continue to operate . This should form part of a wide ipackage of measures to address the long - running problems onBritain 'srailways.Yes, more investment is need...
TheFair Credit Reporting Actwas passed in 1970 to regulate the collection of credit information which is frequently used to determine mortgage and lending rates. The law limits who can access a consumer's credit history and prohibits lenders from providing outdated or inaccurate information. The law...
The FDCPA is a consumer protection law that's designed to protect debtors. It outlines when bill collectors can call debtors, where they can call them, and how often they can call them. It also emphasizes elements related to the debtor's privacy and other rights but this law only pertains...