and of their logical consequences or theorems is manifestly either consistent, or inconsistent (and therefore invalid) by itself; without involving any reference to actually gathered observational data, or to actually (through application of the defined measurement operator to actually gather...
This particular ansatz seems consistent with all known conservation laws; however it works out to basically be ten vector equations (plus some additional scalar constraints) on ten vector field unknowns, so is just barely overdetermined. I have not been able to locate a self-similar blowup ...
for and some fields and . This particular ansatz seems consistent with all known conservation laws; however it works out to basically be ten vector equations (plus some additional scalar constraints) on ten vector field unknowns, so is just barely overdetermined. I have not been able to locate...
What is the difference between applied mathematics and mathematics? What is a mathematical model? What does ^ mean in mathematics? What is the duality theorem? What is a mathematical phrase? What is a relation in general mathematics? What is classical algebra? What is procedural fluency and conc...
How to inspect patterns and functions used by Mathematica's own functions. See this answer How to achieve consistent size for GraphPlots in Mathematica? See this question. How to produce documents and presentations with Mathematica. See this question. resources wolfram-mathematica Share Improve this...
For what value of k, the system of equations kx+2y=0,and3x+y=1 will be coincident? A2 B3 C5 D6Submit For what values of k is the system of equations kx+3y=k−2 12x+ky=k inconsistent ? Ak=±6 Bk=−6 only Ck=6 only Dnone of theseSubmit ...
To prove that T′ is consistent, we shall use the syntactic compactness theorem; so suppose U = {ϕ1, ϕ2,…, ϕn} is a finite subset of T. In the case where U is empty, it is certainly syntactically consistent. Otherwise, let T1, T2,…and Tn be theories in 𝒯 containing...
Do the equations 3x + 6y = 2 and 6x + 12y = 4 represent a pair of consistent lines ? View Solution For what value of k , do the equation2x−3y+10=0and3x+ky+15=0represent coincident lines View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET
Barely a week goes by these days in the Northern Hemisphere without the jet stream being mentioned in the news, but rarely do such news items explain in detail what it is and why it is important. As a severe weather photographer this past 10+ years, an a
and you’ll agree with them. This is fine. It’s all part of figuring out what makes you feel most like yourself and, in turn, most comfortable with yourself. Nobody is perfectly consistent, and anyone who expects people to be that way is just trying to make the world easier for them...