What is considered to be an acceptable food custom in one country or culture may not be the same in another country. Here are some strange and funny food customs around the world.The Middle East: Never use your left hand while eating.Planning a trip to the Middle East? Well, make sure...
it is considered good business manners to make many and long efforts to pick up the check. In the People's Republic of China, gift giving is considered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a Los Angeles tour operator. “If you want to give ...
It has to be noticed here that Turkey (Asia Minor) which from the 14th century till 1918 has been a centre of the powerful Ottoman Empire that unified a major portion of the region is conventionally considered as a part of the Middle East. However, from an academic viewpoint based on the...
You will seldom get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Instead of “no” he will say “nshallah”, which means, “if God is willing”. On the other hand, “yes” does not necessarily mean “yes”. A smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement,...
What is considered Middle America?Question:What is considered Middle America?The Americas:The Americas include two continents, North and South America, and an isthmus that connects the two. The Americas can be further broken down into specific regions and countries that occupy these land masses.Answ...
A 3rd theme is considered a new haircut. After seeming to consider new haircut. It wasn't my idea. Don't you understand me? Not her present one. He should think about it. It's a good idea. It's a possibility. Not something else. Not another person. You're going to hear one ...
Yes, Turkey is considered in the Middle East, although Istanbul is actually in Europe. What are the safest countries in the Middle East? Traveling in the Middle East is often lazily considered ‘dangerous’ by Western media and tourism. This is due to the situations found in Yemen, Afghanista...
(1)WhichaspectisconsideredintheGlobalCitiesIndex? ___A.Education.B.Climate.C.Transportation.D.Location.(2)Whichpartsoftheworldarepredictedtogrowintheareaofbusiness? ___A.AsiaandEurope.B.AsiaandSouthAmerica.C.AsiaandtheMiddleEast.D.SouthAmericaandtheMiddleEast.(3)Whatisthepassagemainlyabout? ___A....
The number “eight” 6.is considered (consider) lucky, so eight apples or eight oranges are a good idea. You’d better wrap(包)your gift. When you buy a gift, the seller usually 7.helps(help) you wrap the gift. Don’t be surprised if your gift is wrapped. Wrapping paper will ...
1.Whereisthistextprobablytakenfrom? A.Atextbook. B.Anexampaper C.Acourseplan. D.Anacademicarticle. 2.How manypartsisastudent?sfinalgrademade upof? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 3.Whatwillhappenifyousubmitanessayone weekaftertheduedate? A.Youwillreceiveazero. B.Youwilllosealettergrade...